Thursday, December 25, 2008

a Christmas revelation

     I was walking in downtown Bucuresti tonight, surrounded by vender huts decorated with Christmas lights, listening to Ave Maria being played over loudspeakers, and sipping Romanian hot spiced wine, and I was suddenly struck with appreciation for that moment and for being in this place. I remembered the look of pure, innocent joy on Ionut's face when he saw me arriving for his orphanage's Christmas party, and the way he immediately threw his arms around me, and it made me realize that as much as I miss being home and with my family around the holidays, there is nowhere else I'd rather be this Christmas. The parties we threw were nothing spectacular, and the gifts we gave were nothing too exciting. But for a few hours, I got to see the children I've grown to love in a few short weeks actually enjoy being kids for once.  I got to be a part of giving them some sense of family, of letting them know that there are people in this world who love them and think them worthy of sharing gifts with.  I got to be in a room full of families who are a part of our counseling program and see how appreciative they were of the gifts they were receiving due to the kindness of strangers, but even moreso I realized how grateful they are for the hope that their families will stay intact due to their participation in our program.  I think all those experiences are the best gifts I received this Christmas, and for being here, I have you all to thank. Merry Christmas, everyone... may you and your families be blessed as we celebrate the gift of Christ.


The Gibson's said...

Hello Mandy! I think that what you are doing is awesome!! I will be looking for more pictures and your posts. Things are going great here and we will be posting more pictures as she gets bigger! Jordan is the best Christmas present ever!!!

Rachel and Shari said...

What a great revelation. That sounds like an amazing way to spend Christmas...actually probably a more appropriate way to spend it than the over-commercialized holiday we celebrate in the states. I'm so happy for you my friend. And a little jealous of the Romanian spiced wine ;-) Love you